Monday, March 27, 2006

Abhas Sinha

Comment on Proverbs 13:11 (Bread Bin)

Please, please take your time to read this. It just so matches the dishonest money thing. Thank you. - Abhas Sinha.

".....after reading a recent (news) story, "Why is everyone killing?" is the first big Q that strikes me. It appears that greed has surpassed all emotions....." Read more at:

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Voice in the Void says

Inspiriational...Let us all find the faith to believe the inspiration.


enjoyed reading both your blogs!! - Peggy.


Common Courtesies - But your motive must stem from love, not strict pharasee-ism. Or your children will without doubt hate you for it. I see that you have your work cut out for you in Thai Land. May God bless you. - Darrell

David Collins

You Speaka My Language? - Really enjoyed this post, Rebecca. Maybe it's because I can totally identify with it. I've always been fascinated by how much teenage language can't survive without throwing in the phrase "and stuff" or the word "like". I'm always baffled by the statement: "It was, like, really good." Was it good? Or was it just like it was good? Another uquitious word is, of course, the indepensable "thingy". I was in the car yesterday, when one of my friends' kids told about how at school she needed a "code thingy". When her dad tried to qualify this with "Oh, you mean a PIN number for your locker?", her reply was, "No, a code thingy!" :-) - David.

David Collins

Hey Rebecca,

Great to see your blog up and running. And learning new stuff about your life in the process...where can I sign up for this exercise regime of yours? Sounds like it will be the next fad that will sweep LA. ;-)

Your brother,
